Monday, July 19, 2010

Thank you!

So... i had sort of a breakdown on twitter yesterday! stupid crap because of family members!
No i wont go in it i wouldn't have even mentioned it if i had not been "tweeting" with a good friend (at least i think so) Mike of @realdadshangout when the phone rang and all hell broke loose! literally. and because i couldn't leave him abruptly i tweeted something to the let him know and my twitter posse #twosse to let him now i was upset!
within minutes my #twosse was sending me messages asking if was ok and if wanted to talk; I didn't at first but then after a few/lot more tears i told my twitter bestie Lisa @LadyWanderlust a few not all the sordid details
and you what? i felt so much better for "sharing"
So i just wanted to dust off the old blog to say a special thank you you guys:) We've never met and probably never meet in real life since we live very far apart( i hope not would really like that one day)
It means more than i could ever express to know you cared enough to worry about me!
love you!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

my very first award

Thanks to Terry of I got an award! and its my 1st blog award ever! I am truly honored :0 lets hope i can do her justice! I'm supposed to list 10 things that make me happy!

Here goes:

My kids: they are my reason for living, my reason for being! they are four of the greatest little people on this earth! don't get me started i could go on forever about them! see and they are cute too :)

My mate: more often than not I wanna wring his neck as to look at him but other times he is sweet, corny, funny and he makes things a little easier:-)

My friends old and new ones like Terry @ezmomm on twitter who gave me this award and Lisa @LadyWanderlust they are there for me with a encouraging word or laugh!

Coffee and or energy drinks need i say more?

Jeans give a great pair of jeans and I'll be your best friend and the don't have to be expensive either! I'm cheap like that:-)

Beer I love my Beer!

Cooking I love to cook! it doesn't always turn out the way I planned but I love the process!

Reading a good book although finding the time for that is limited lately!

Shoes! they don't just make me happy I have tad of an obsession with them and i seem to to have pass this trait down to my daughter! Love, Love shoes!

Shopping 'nuff said

Music it soothes my soul!

OK now who is getting corny? But there you have it! Thanks again for my 1st award T! really appreciate it even it may not have seemed like it since i took so long to post about it!


Saturday, January 9, 2010