Monday, July 19, 2010

Thank you!

So... i had sort of a breakdown on twitter yesterday! stupid crap because of family members!
No i wont go in it i wouldn't have even mentioned it if i had not been "tweeting" with a good friend (at least i think so) Mike of @realdadshangout when the phone rang and all hell broke loose! literally. and because i couldn't leave him abruptly i tweeted something to the let him know and my twitter posse #twosse to let him now i was upset!
within minutes my #twosse was sending me messages asking if was ok and if wanted to talk; I didn't at first but then after a few/lot more tears i told my twitter bestie Lisa @LadyWanderlust a few not all the sordid details
and you what? i felt so much better for "sharing"
So i just wanted to dust off the old blog to say a special thank you you guys:) We've never met and probably never meet in real life since we live very far apart( i hope not would really like that one day)
It means more than i could ever express to know you cared enough to worry about me!
love you!

1 comment:

  1. It's pretty powerful when your online friends come out in droves for you. I missed some of that drama yesterday...until I got home. Then folks talked to me and I relaxed.

    And yet, the general public will tell you Twitter isn't good for anything. I doubt it highly.
